For the past 19 years, Energy Group companies have been supporting local organisations that help people in need, those suffering from illnesses and dealing with difficult life situations, as well as organisations that promote the development of culture and folklore and, of course, organisations that help children. The functioning of non-profit organisations today depends heavily on donations and sponsorships from companies and businesses. Therefore, in 2024, the Energy Group's shareholders and the management of SLOVARM and Bytový podnik Myjava have again decided to donate EUR 8,000 to these non-profit organisations:
Myjava hospital with polyclinic – voluntary blood donors the local branch of the Slovak Union of Anti-Fascist Fighters
Myjava Pensioners Club
Slovak Union of the Physically Handicapped
Myjava City Women's Union a non-profit organisation
Myjava Social Services an association helping the intellectually handicapped
An organisation for people with chronic diseases
Abstainers Club
Slovak Blind and Partially Sighted Union
Outreach to the Roma of Myjava
Khamoro Community Centre
Pampúšik Maternity Centre
Slovak Red Cross
A non-profit organisation for tourism development
MYajVY Social Centre
BIBS Dance School
Myjava City Nursery
Christmas in the theatre
The event took place in the presence of the deputy mayor of Myjava, Mgr. Ľubomír Karika, and the representatives of 18 non-profit organisations. Radovan Pobočík, Director-General of SLOVARM, handed over the donations on behalf of SLOVARM and Bytový podnik Myjava, and Energy Group was represented by Peter Špak, Member of the Board of Directors.
As the deputy mayor said in his speech, the city appreciates this regular financial support from local companies. He highlighted that this is the 19th time that companies and non-profit organisations have come together like this. Over this period, the Energy Group's companies have supported the activities of non-profit organisations with an amount exceeding EUR 100,000.
Representatives of the non-profit organisations thanked for the support and specified the activities for which the funds will be used. The Haematology and Transfusion Unit will use the funds to improve the venue for blood donors, as this is a never-ending process. The Slovak Union of Anti-Fascist Fighters introduced its new president and also encouraged young people to get involved in its activities.
Most organisations will use the donations to improve their operations, which are voluntary and altruistic and dependent on such donations.
We are glad that the representatives of the city appreciate us as the biggest long-time supporter of activities in the city. We will certainly continue this support next year – for the 20th time.