Fifty graduates of the Secondary Industrial School received their school-leaving certificates from the school’s principal, Mgr. Jaroslav Foltín, at the end of May. The ceremony was also attended by the Director-General of Slovarm Myjava, Radovan Pobočík, and JUDr. Martina Stančiaková, HR Manager at Energy Group. And it was from their hands that the most successful students and long-serving teaching staff received financial gifts.
Several graduates of the Myjava school have completed their studies in the form of dual education, which allowed them to expand their theoretical knowledge with practical knowledge directly at their future employer. “Cooperation with companies is one of our priorities”, says the school's principal, “we are the only technical school in the Myjava District, and I consider the link between companies and the school to be very important. Companies are also interested in such cooperation.”
Employees from companies regularly visit the school and explain to students what they need to know to be successful in the companies. The Myjava school currently cooperates with companies from Stará Turá, Senica and Myjava, including Slovarm with whom, according to the school’s principal, they have an above-standard relationship.
Students from the Myjava school complete part of their classes directly in practice thanks to which they acquire work habits and discipline, which students from secondary general schools often lack after school.
“The situation in the Slovak education sector disappoints me. We’re not heading in the right direction when vocational schools are falling behind schools the graduates of which aren’t as employable as those of vocational schools. Companies demand a lot more graduates than are entering the workforce. We’re enrolling 60 students the next school year, but interest from companies and students is much higher”, adds the school’s principal, J. Foltín.
The Director-General of Slovarm Myjava, Radovan Pobočík, also confirms the bilateral interest: “We’re interested in cooperating with vocational schools because it also helps us recruit skilful employees. However, the falling intake at these vocational schools is mended only partially by their activities. There is always more employer demand than supply and companies are literally fighting for their graduates. At Slovarm, we’ve been taking part in dual education for 6 years. Students come to us to gain experience and in most cases, they also stay to work with us. We’re raising them for our needs and they can then engage in the work process much easier.”
The entire Energy Group supports dual education. The Group’s portfolio is composed mainly of engineering, management and agricultural companies. “Linking school and practice is useful for both students and employers. We’ll gladly support talented students in their efforts to continue their education at universities. The experience they gained at our companies during their studies is a big advantage for both parties”, confirms JUDr. M. Stančiaková, HR Manager at Energy Group.
Rewarded teachers:
Ing. Alena Adámková
Ing. Peter Horváth
Rewarded students:
Patrik Beneš, Dominik Pavlovský, Dominik Ščepka. Adam Bojnanský, David Bujzaš, Matúš Mihaljevič, Ján Filípek.